From: Revcraigh (
Date: Wed Jan 28 1998 - 18:03:42 EST

Welcome to the list!
In a message dated 1/28/98 8:28:30 PM, Dick wrote:

<<New to the list and rusty to Greek:

I am trying to find distinctions (if any) between these two terms (AFIHMI and
CARIZOMAI) being translated as "forgive". I see forgiveness being somewhat
contingent upon repentance/confession. The question I have is whether the use
CARIZOMAI as a term of forgiveness might indicate forgiveness apart from
repentance, being related to CARIS, grace. Thanks for any help. I did not
any discussion of this in BGreek archives. I apologize if it has been

dick roberts
McKenzie Baptist Church
Vida, OR

To which, in a message dated 1/28/98 8:42:52 PM, Jim replied:

<<first, you would need to do a search to see the contexts of these verbs and
how they are used in those contexts.

second, you would have to exegete the various passages in which you found
them to determine the meaning of the words.

in general terms, afihmi describes a "sending away" (it is also translated
"divorce" in some passages); while carizomai describes a gracious act (and
not necessarily forgiveness per se).

so- where are the passages which use these terms? what is the sense of
those passages?

>dick roberts
>McKenzie Baptist Church
>Vida, OR



Having made an exam of the uses of CARIZOMAI (my Online Bible program found
19), I would agree with Jim and add that its use indicates an action done
which one is not required to do, that is, done freely, without obligation, in
fact without legitimate cause outside of the desires of the one acting (the
same verb is used in Acts 25:11&16 of the unlawfulness of delivering over an
innocent man [who is a citizen of Rome] for judgement [that is, a man who has
done no wrong deserving of death and therefore does not deserve to be
delivered over] for execution).

I think therefore that we need to be careful not to see repentence (or even
faith, for that matter) as some sort of causation of God forgiving sin (as if
God forgives me, and as if I deserve to be forgiven, because I repent and
believe; repentence and faith are themselves gracious gifts of God Eph
2:8-10), rather, it is God's gracious desire to forgive everyone who repents
and believes the Gospel (that is, forgiveness is caused by God's desire to
forgive alone). When the act under consideration is forgiveness, it indicates
that the one forgiven does not deserve forgiveness, nor is God obliged to
forgive except in that it is His stated will and promise to forgive all who
repent and believe.

Rev. Craig R. Harmon, pastor
Lutheran Church of the Apostles
5100 W. 115th Street
Alsip, IL 60803

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