Re: multiple ascensions

From: George Athas (
Date: Tue Jan 27 1998 - 19:27:30 EST

Ben Crick wrote:

> IMHO the translation of MH MOU hAPTOU is better "Do not keep clinging to me"
> (suggested by William Hendriksen, /John/, Banner of Truth Trust, 1959,
> ad loc). Hendriksen writes "What Jesus probably means is this: 'Do not
> think, Mary, that by grasping hold of me so firmly (cf Matt 28:9), you
> can keep me always with you. That uninterruptible fellowship for which you
> yearn must wait until I have ascended to be forever with the Father.' Jesus
> did not object to being /touched/. Otherwise, how can we explain his word to
> Thomas?" (op cit, p 455). How indeed.

I agree with your translation, Ben, of Mary not to *cling* to Jesus. However, I
beg to differ on the interpretation of this incident that you gave.

I think that what Jesus was saying to Mary was humourous - he cracked a joke.
What he is implying is that Mary was holding onto him so hard and for so long
that if she didn't let go, Jesus would not be ascending to his heavenly father
after all! It is, I believe, a light hearted comment from Jesus about Mary's joy
and devotion to the him - obvious from her calling him *Rabboni* rather than just
*Rabbi* or *Master*, and the fact that she grabbed at him. Surely Jesus was not
beyond humour or feeling - you just have to read some parables to see he wasn't.
I don't think Jesus' statement should be taken to mean "My wings haven't dried
yet" or "You should not cling to me because you can cling to me after you have
the Spirit and I'm in Heaven." I do not think that Mary had "uninterruptible
fellowship" on her mind. Mary was just simply overjoyed to see the man who had
cast 7 demons out of her, whom she had followed and put her hopes in, whom she
had watched die a barbarous death nailed to a cross, now standing fully alive in
front of her. And so, by the sounds of it, was Jesus happy to see her. But, he
wanted Mary to go tell the others that he was ascending. If Mary didn't let go
and go tell the others, then he wouldn't be ascending and his "brethren" would
know about it.

Best regards!
George Athas
 < > Ph: 0414 839 964 (ICQ #5866591)
 (PhD Candidate, University of Sydney)
 (Tutor of Hebrew, Moore Theological College)
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