Re: multiple ascensions

From: Nicholas Corduan (
Date: Wed Jan 28 1998 - 18:48:25 EST


>The important point here is the use of the word GAR - "for". Jesus insists on
>not being clung to BECAUSE he has not ascended to his Father yet. The literal

GAR does not necessarily carry a causal meaning, though; it can serve as an
explanatory conjunction, as well. The difference is probably subtle, but
the way I'm always pictured it is "because" versus "being as." To
illustrate: "Stop touching me BECAUSE I have not yet ascended..." versus
"Stop touching me, BEING AS I have not yet ascended..."

Did that make sense?


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"There is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."
        (Booker T. Washington)

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