Teaching in Romania

From: j j j (jrwerner1@juno.com)
Date: Wed Feb 11 1998 - 21:49:55 EST

Are you still looking for someone to teach Greek in Romania? If you are,
and if you're not connected with Colegiul Biblic Betania (of whom I've
read in ETS Newsletter, and have responded), you may be interested in the
  I'm a 67-year-old professor of Greek & NT. My children have grown and
gone, and my wife is busy directing a Christian school she founded for
children with alternative learning styles. So I've founded HINTS
International (Help In New Testament Studies) as a means of teaching for
short terms anywhere in the world. I've taught in Korea, India, Papua
New Guinea, Poland, Slovakia, Greece, Colombia and maybe a few other
places. I've taught Greek using my own primer, Greek: A Programed
Primer (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA: Presbyterian and Reformed Publ. Co.), and
I've taught it using no primer at all, just working inductively in the
Gospel of John.

I'm presently booked for March 13-27 and for September-November.
Otherwise, "Have Greek, will travel."
  If you want more information, please tell me a fax number, and I'll fax
you my vita.
  One caution: I'm a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. If
people ask about BAPTIZW, I tell them it means 'immerse' in NT just as
surely as QEOS means Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, etc. But I don't make an
issue of it.

                        Your fellowservant, Rev. John R. Werner, PhD
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