Re: John 1:1

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Wed Feb 11 1998 - 09:01:26 EST

****private mail****

Carl William Conrad wrote:
> I think it's become evident that this thread has gotten to the point where
> it is not the meaning of the Greek text any longer that is being discussed
> but theological perspectives from which the Greek text is being
> approached. At this point it seems to me that the discussion (a) is
> outwearing its usefulness to the parties in the discussion, and (b) is on
> the verge of becoming a theological conflict. I think it's time, either to
> discontinue the thread or else to restrict it very tightly to matters of
> what the Greek text may legitimately be understood to mean.
This is nicely understated. In fact the thread has become what one might call "tedious."

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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