Re: MIAS GUNAIKOS (in Kenya)

Date: Tue Feb 17 1998 - 15:14:55 EST

Dear Carl,
        I have been listening in on b-Greek for about two
months now, and have benefited most from your comments,
Dale Wheeler's, and a few others.
        You are quite right on the potential Latin
background to the 1 Tim 3:2 phrase. Three articles I found
in doing my doctoral dissertation of Matthew's Eunuch
saying (19:12) and its relationship to Paul's teaching on
singleness in 1 Cor 7 (one is probably the article you are
thinking of) are:

        M. Lightman & W. Zeisel, "Univira: An Example of
Continuity and Change in Roman Society, "*Church History
46 (1977) 19-32.
        C. H. Dodd, "New Testament Translation Problems II
[1 Tim 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6]," *Biblical Translator 28 (1977)
        Jean-Baptiste Frey, "Le signification des terms
MONANDROS and univira coup d'oeil sur la famille Romaine
aux premiers siecles de notre ere," *Recherches de science
religeuse 20 (1930) 48-60.

        Feel free to send this info to the person who
asked about this--I have not been following the discussion
on this real closely, so I have no idea who would be

        I appreciate your linguistic expertise. I teach
NT and Koiine Greek (4 semesters//2 year sequence) here at
Taylor University, a Christian liberal arts university in
the small town of Upland, IN (about 3,500 residents).


Dr. Bill Heth
Chair, Biblical Studies, Christian Education, and Philosophy
Taylor University

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