Re: Greek Anthropology

From: Jeffrey Gibson (
Date: Mon Mar 02 1998 - 16:52:41 EST

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Richard Lindeman wrote:

> Sorry if this has already been discussed. I was reading in Eph 6:6 the
> other day and came across the KJV translation of YUXHS as "heart". I know I
> have seen this somewhere before - but what I am interested in is a rundown
> on greek anthropology in contrast to modern english anthropology terms. In
> other words, where will
> I find a listing of anthropological terms such as head, heart, eye, hand,
> bowels, etc... and a comparison of their usage and understanding between
> Biblical Greek and modern English?

Two places. Try the TDNT. And also Robert Jewett's _Paul's
Anthropological Terms_. Bultmann's discussion is, alas, while wonderful
to read, biased towards Heidegger.

Jeffrey Gibson

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