evaluation of some titles

From: Juan Stam (jstam@una.ac.cr)
Date: Thu Mar 05 1998 - 20:31:22 EST

Greetings from an always-grateful and excited mostly-lurker of B-Greek. I'm
wondering if somebody could evaluate for me some books CBD is offering at
good prices:

1) How solid is Ralph Earle WORD MEANINGS IN THE NT? I already have Moisˇs
Silva and
    several others; how much will this volume add?

2) How good is Vincent on Word Studies? I already have Robertson and Vine.

3) Is anyone familiar with Stern, JEWISH NT COMMENTARY? (1000 pp, so a
fistful -- but now helpful and valuable is it?)

I would greatly appreciate any off-lines replies on this,

Many thanks, Juan Stam, Costa Rica

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