Greek Language & Linguistics Gateway

From: Micheal Palmer (
Date: Wed Mar 11 1998 - 01:43:36 EST

I am planning to add a new page to the Greek Language & Linguistics Gateway
(URL in the footer at the end of this note), and would like to ask for your

The new page is designed to give the e-community access to information
about works in progress which apply some form of modern linguistics to an
analysis of Hellenistic Greek (including Biblical Greek). The page will
include summaries of research projects including doctoral dissertations,
masters theses, books and articles which are currently in production. In
some cases it will also include information on how to contact the author(s).

If you are involved in such a research project and would like to see it
listed on the Gateway, please let me know (off-list). I will provide you
with a description of the specific information I need and will ask whether
or not you want users of the Gateway to be able to contact you.

Thanks in advance for the help I know some of you will provide.

Micheal W. Palmer
Religion & Philosophy
Meredith College

Visit the Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway at
You can also access my online bibliography of Greek Linguistics at

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