Re: Luke 22:20

From: George Athas (
Date: Mon Mar 16 1998 - 20:51:25 EST

Carl W. Conrad wrote:

> Well, I'd say that if TO hUPER hUMWN EKCUNNOMENON is supposed to be
> understood as agreeing with hAIMATI, it ought to be written as TWi hUPER
> hUMWN EKCUNNOMENWi. I guess this comes back to the point that you want
> somehow to understand TO as a "relative pronoun," and I don't see how it
> can be.
> I'm going to drop this now; I think everyone understands the position that
> each of us has argued and they're probably bored to death!

I'll drop it too, now, Carl. However, no, I am not saying that TO hUPER hUMWN
EKCUNNOMENON is attributive of TW hAIMATI MOU. If it was then, yes I agree it
should be TWi hUPER hUMWN EKCUNNOMENWi. I am saying it is a predicate, and
therefore TO hUPER hUMWN EKCUNNOMENON is perfectly legitimate.

Enough said, I guess. The voyage is over.
George Athas
 PhD (Cand.), University of Sydney
 Tutor of Hebrew, Moore Theological College
Phone: 0414 839 964 ICQ#: 5866591

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