Greek Word Order

From: Edgar Krentz (
Date: Wed Mar 18 1998 - 12:04:02 EST

Some time ago there was a discussion of Greek word order. I noticed this
book on the Scottish Academic Press Web Site (URL given below). I have not
seen this book, but the summar looks interesting.

M H B Marshall

Verbs, Nouns and Postpositives in Attic Prose

186x124mm 186 pages
Hardback £12.50 ISBN 0 7073 0477 6
Paperback £ 9.50 ISBN 0 7073 0707 4

Scottish Classical Studies III

Classical Greek shows a remarkable flexibility of word-order and it has
long been found difficult to define the ways in which the order of words
is restricted in practice. This study shows postpositives tend to occur in
certain positions in relation to verbs and nouns in a sentence. The authors
primarily examined are Thucydides, Plato and Demosthenes.

Scottish Academic Press.



               * Edgar Krentz, Prof. of New Testament *
               * Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago *
               * 1100 EAST 55TH STREET *
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               * Tel: [773] 256-0752; (H) [773] 947-8105 *
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