Re: :-( Fanning

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Mar 20 1998 - 19:13:03 EST

At 05:26 PM 3/20/98 -0600, Richard Lindeman wrote:
>I searched for Buist Fanning's book "Verbal Aspect" hoping to make the
>purchase. However, the search engine tells me that this book is now out of
>print. :-( I guess I really am behind the times on this. Is this there a
>more current treatment of the subject???

As of three months ago:

1. Fanning's book is, IMHO, the best detailed look at verbal aspect in
Greek, with wonderful attention to detail in many examples. However, it
REALLY IS out of print, and very hard to get your hands on except from
seminary libraries.

2. Mari Broman Olsen's book gives much less detailed treatment of Greek
examples, but is further along on the theory (it is more recent). It is
still available - but I bought my copy as soon as it came out lest it go
out of print, since books on this subject aren't always best sellers.

3. Stan Porter's book on the same subject is the other big book on Greek
aspect. People who study aspect tend have strong preferences for Fanning or
for Porter; I strongly prefer Fanning.

4. As an introduction, I really like "Biblical Greek Language and
Linguistics: Open Questions in Current Research", by Stanley Porter and
Donald Carson. This is also really worth reading after reading the other

My opinion only.


Jonathan Robie

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