Re: PSI Papiri Greci i Latini Roma I-XI 1912-35

From: Daniel Ria–o (
Date: Fri Apr 17 1998 - 19:22:51 EDT

>A long shot:
>PSI (Pubblicazioni della Societa Italiana) Papiri Greci i Latini Roma I-XI
>1912-35 is referenced quite often in BAGD. Does anyone know if the papyri in
>this collection have been included into any more recent collections such as
>PHI#6? (Does any b-greeker actually have a copy on his or her shelves?)

Here's the list of the first 9 volumes of the PSI series, as appear in the
electronic edition of the "Checklist Of Editions Of Greek And Latin Papyri"
(see infra) . The volumes preceded by an asterisk are already in the PHI CD

PSI Papiri greci e latini (Pubblicazioni della Societˆ Italiana per la
ricerca dei papiri greci e latini in Egitto). Florence. The first eleven
volumes were edited by a number of persons under the general direction of
G. Vitelli and M. Norsa. A list of reeditions of documentary texts is given
by P. Pruneti in Pap.Flor. XIX.2 475 - 502.
*I, 1912. Nos. 1 - 112. [MF 1.65; rp. Bd'E]
II, 1913. Nos. 113 - 156. [MF 1.66; rp. Bd'E]
*III, 1914. Nos. 157 - 279. Nos. 254 - 279 are ostraca. [MF 1.67]
*IV, 1917. Nos. 280 - 445. [MF 1.68]
*V, 1917. Nos. 446 - 550. No. 460 is an ostracon. [MF 1.69]
*VI, 1920. Nos. 551 - 730. [MF 1.70]
*VII, 1925. Nos. 731 - 870. [MF 1.71; rp. Bd'E]
*VIII, 1927. Nos. 871 - 1000. Nos. 983 - 1000 are ostraca. [MF 1.72]
*IX, 1929. Nos. 1001 - 1096. [MF 1.74; rp. Bd'E]

        You can actually consult the HTML version of the entire list of the
documents introduced in the CD ROM at the Duke University WWW page (sorry,
I don't have the address here). As an extra bonus you can download the
"Checklist Of Editions Of Greek And Latin Papyri, Ostraca And Tablets" by
John F. Oates, William H. Willis, Roger S. Bagnall, Klaas A. Worp which is
an indispensable tool to work with papyri.


        Daniel Rian~o Rufilanchas
        c. Santa Engracia 52, 7 dcha.

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