Re: Hebrew and Greek as languages

From: Steven Cox (
Date: Sat Apr 11 1998 - 20:48:28 EDT

        Hi Nick
        Sure, no doubt I was letting my allergy to any forms of
        elitism run away with the keyboard when I wrote that PS;
        rather unfortunate that it just happened to be Eric's
        signature that triggered it (sorry old chap!). Such
        skepticism (or scepticism if you're English) is right
        enough, in the spirit of PANTA DE DOKIMAZETE, TO KALON
        KATECETE, so I won't fill up the b-greek bandwidth with
        further discussion of this.

        Except perhaps to say that the "Big Greeks" (term a la Robie)
        commend their insights by the way they generally wouldn't
        quench a smoking Vines ;-)

At 10:09 98/04/11 -0500, Nicholas Corduan wrote:
>>>Be skeptical of what you are about to hear when someone who hasn't had
>>>at least a year or two of biblical Greek and/or Hebrew says: "Now, in
>>>the original Greek (or Hebrew) it really says (or means) ...."
>> Hmm. I'd get more skeptical if they had. At least people
>> playing with Strongs know they don't know. And the people
>> who *know* these languages are all dead.
>Actually, I've had many discussions with people over the Greek language,
>wherein I (a Bib Languages student) am constantly admitted that I cannot be
>certain about a position, but others in the discussion relying purely upon
>a concordance and no presonal knowledge of Greek have become rather
>dogmatic about their position.
>I think its less a matter of an individual's level of education and more an
>issue of their general humility and attitude towards themselves and others
>that determines if they'll recognize the limits of their knoweldge or
>become arrogant.
>That said, I must admit that if I had a question about a health concern,
>I'd still probably prefer going to a conceited doctor who thought he knew
>all the answers, rather than my english-teacher Aunt who had the Reader's
>Digest guide to good health and a firm grasp on the fact that she was not
>an expert. There is much to be said for training. :-)
>--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
>"There is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."
> (Booker T. Washington)

        ..or more

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