Re: Jn 21:15-17 (and getting woollier..)

Date: Mon Apr 20 1998 - 02:05:22 EDT

Paul S. Dixon wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Apr 1998 wrote:
> >
> > I really do think that the text of John has an integrity that is
> > self-supporting, and that if some section of it is giving us
> > difficulty, we must seek resolution within the text itself, so I am a
> > bit wary of heading off into the boonies outside the text to solve
> > those difficulties. The suggestion that these three questions balance
> > the three denials seems reasonable. I think there is much more...
> > And I really don't know what it is.
> >
> > If it is a counterbalance to the three denials, then the meanings of
> > both can be elucidated referentially to each other, and possibly even
> > the orders of the denials and the affirmations will have relevance.
> Ok, let's stick with the Johannine text (though going off into the
> boonies can result in the discovery of nuggests once in a while).

Hi Paul ~

Those boonies have proven themselves valuable to me time after time,
my friend, but only insofar as they help to make the text itself more
comprehensible and clear. Perhaps I was a tad harsh ~ Sorry!!
> To wrap up, I do see this interchange as a kind of reversal of the 3 fold
> denial by Peter. But, as he thrice demonstrated his lack of love for the
> Lord by denying Him, so Christ is here showing Peter how he can
> demonstrate his love for the Lord. Three times, certainly for emphasis
> and teaching, he is instructed that his love for the Lord will be proved
> by Peter's feeding and caring for the Lord's flock. Listen up, pastors.

Well, thanks to you, and others on this thread, I am taking another
close look to the purpose of the inclusion of this passage in light of
its form. One thing I have so far learned in John is patience
regarding my own understanding. Quick comprehension on my part has
invariably proved flawed! My back burners just keep getting more
extensive and more active, as one matter after another keeps getting
added to another simmering pot.

And thank you for your wonderful account of your conversation with
your wife on this passage. I know the feeling...


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