Re: Sheep...Voice

From: Jack Kilmon (
Date: Wed Apr 22 1998 - 10:16:38 EDT

Jim West wrote:
> Cooper Greg wrote:
> >
> > In John 10:16 Jesus says that there are "other sheep" who
> > "shall hear my voice."
> >
> > If I understand the Greek correctly, the "hear" refers to the ability
> > to understand, learn, etc. And "voice" refers to the ability/act
> > of speaking.
> This is correct.
> >
> > My questions are: 1) who possibly could these "other sheep" be
> > and
> I think this references the Gentiles.

        I don't agree. When Jesus was 12 years old, there was an uprising
in the Galilee which, when quelled, resulted in a few thousand young
Galilean males being deported as slaves to Sardinia and Spain.
this must have been a constant pain to everyone in the Galilee,
Jesus, for whom there would have been friends and relatives. This gives
us an attested and historical event in the life of Jesus that would have
left an impact and to which he is most likely referring to when he
speaks of the "lost sheep of Israel."


Dâman dith laych idneh dânishMA nishMA
   Jack Kilmon (    

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