The former barbarian

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Jun 05 1998 - 06:38:20 EDT

At 08:16 PM 6/4/98 EDT, wrote:
>I have dropped "The Barbarian" from my name. Perhaps prematurely. But I
>made some progress, and I can now pick a passage at random from my New
>Testament Text and usually I am able to get some idea of what it is saying
>before I go to helps. This is quite exciting to me. It was a struggle to
>to this point.

This is wonderful and exciting to hear about your experiences here! Isn't
this cool?

>The breakthrough came when I took Mr. Carl's suggestion and
>started working through large sections of text until I could read them
>throughly. I am now learing to read Greek like my children learned to read
>1st. Sound out the words.
>2nd. Begin to read with understanding. Then after much reading.
>3rd. Learn the technical grammer.

Great! By the way, I have some hints for reading the text at:

Glad that you shared this with us!


Jonathan Robie

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