Welcome to B-Greek on SunSITE

From: Jonathan Robie (jonathan@texcel.no)
Date: Fri Jun 05 1998 - 15:06:12 EDT

As Carl mentioned, we are moving the B-Greek mailing list to SunSITE. This
is the first message sent from the new site. All subscribers from the old
list have been subscribed to the new list.

Please post all new traffic to the new address. To post to the new list,
send your mail to:


Except for the new address, nothing much has changed. We still have the
same staff and the same members. The software is a little different,
though. You can manage your own account by connecting to:


Choose "SunSITE hosted lists", then "biblical", then "bgreek". You can also
look at messages here using a web-based interface. If you have a
newsreader, you may well prefer to read your messages that way. To do this,
connect to:


On many systems, this is a particularly convenient way to read and respond
to mail. The new software also allows us to screen out spam. Non-members
are not allowed to post. The first two times that a new subscriber posts a
message, a list administrator must approve the message. If we find that a
member is having difficulties following the "respectful discourse"
guidelines, we can also put a member on probation, requiring that member's
posts to be approved by an administrator.

Many thanks to SunSITE for hosting the new list, and thanks especially to
David Marotta for founding this list and maintaining it for so long.


b-greek home page: http://sunsite.unc.edu/bgreek
To post a message to the list, mailto:b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu
To subscribe, mailto:subscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu
To unsubscribe, mailto:unsubscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu?subject=[cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu]

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