Learning to read Greek.

From: WmHBoyd@aol.com
Date: Fri Jun 05 1998 - 06:24:31 EDT

This is a little off line discussion Bill Ross and I had. He asked me if he
could post it to the list. Since I had it in backup I pulled it and posted it
myself. In addition, I recommend Little Greek Wanabes to check out Jonathan's
Little Greek Home Page. I am sure that some of you who teach Greek may know
other "tricks" that you could share with us little guys.

William Boyd

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In a message dated 98-06-04 20:48:15 EDT, you write:

 I was just telling my wife the other day that I wish we had some children's
 books in Greek. >>

Send this to the list. I remember a discussion of this some time ago. There
may be some books like this. You could always get a few favorite English
Children's books and ask someone to put them in a simple Greek for you. I do
not think it would be too hard for some of these fellows to do.

I sort of felt like I was reading Children's Books type stuff when I started
into Machen's. I notice he gets a lot of critisem on the list. I think it is
because his work is so popular. Machen's contrived sentenses sounded sort of
, SEE DICK RUN, GO SPOT GO kind of stuff. But Machen's was hard for me. I
got lost in all the grammar. After ten or so lessons I knew I wasn't gaining
any ground.

HOWEVER, when I started reading John 1 I found that that his little
introduction to grammar helped me. Not that I remembered it all, but I did
remember the importance of inflections, and to watch for them. After I am
more confortable reading, I am going to try Machen's again.

I cannot over stress the importance of sounding the words out. Hearing the
inflections was easier for me that seeing them. I learned English inflections
by hearing them, "-ing", "-ed," -er." John 1, though a challenge for me, is
not so complex as other passages.

Here is another trick. I am writing my own text. I am sure you have seen
these "blank" books at the book stores. I picked a convient size. I copy the
Greek text, verse by verse, and paragraph by paragraph, on the right hand of
the opening. On the left I put the notes I need to be able to read the text
on the right. I go over and over it until I no longer have to refer to my
notes to read the text. Then I go to the next paragraph. I knew I was making
progress when I started writing fewer and fewer help notes. I carry my little
book everywhere. I keep a "photocopy" of the next few verses in it for
copying purposes. And from time to time I read over the text I have learned.
Little by little, I can tell that I am starting to get it.

William Boyd

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