Re: Revised footers

From: Mark Preece (
Date: Fri Jun 05 1998 - 16:05:44 EDT

At 02:51 PM 6/5/98 -0400, Nichael Cramer wrote:
>Of course, now that it may actually be too late, I've just notice what may
>be a problem:
>The proposed form of the footers may be handy (e.g. for unsubscribing, but
>I suspect they will quickly become problematic for the following reasons).

I have a very minor quibble with the new format -- I mention it for the
sake of completeness:

One of my Eudora filters scans all my incoming mail looking for (among
other things) messages that include my email address or name in the body of
the text. This helps me follow discussions I may be involved in, even after
the subject line changes. Unfortunately, every post from b-greek now shows
up flagged as "referring to me" because my address is part of the standard

I think the idea of pushbutton list administration is very clever, and I'm
not suggesting the list be structured around my filters. In general,
though, I guess I'd vote to put this sort of thing in headers, since
software can often deal with headers as a logical unit (displaying or
hiding them, filtering on them or not, etc.).


Mark Preece.

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