The Art of Replying: Re: BHS, BS, and plain S

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Jun 09 1998 - 13:15:26 EDT

At 11:32 AM -0400 6/09/98, Ron Rhoades wrote:
>Carl W. Conrad wrote:
>> BUT: although it's easy to push the send key that will distribute private
>> messages to the entire list--it's even easier to do that with the new
>> software than with that at majordomo, since this automatically sends
>> responses to the list, we should avoid continuing as a thread what was
>> clearly a private message mis-sent to the list. Thanks for your cooperation.
>> Carl W. Conrad
>I'm sorry, My apologies to the List and to Jim. I got caught by the new
>software. I hit the "Reply to:" button and changed the the Subject line.
>It just left Jim's address in the "To" line and nothing in the Cc: as
>normal but it must go to the list still. Very dangerous to be lazy!!

I realize that different e-mail readers show different header features, but
on mine (Eudora Pro--and I believe that the freeware Eudora Lite acts the
same way), a line reading "Reply to: "Biblical Greek"
<>" appears prominently in red; what this
header means is that, IF you use your automatic reply function (whatever
that may be in your program) your response will go ONLY to the list; you
have to put in whatever destinations you wish in the cc lines manually.

Could I please ask once again--and if you take my upper-case letters as
screaming, you are probably getting the message):

There's nothing wrong with having several suggestions about the same
question, but there's no need to keep giving the same answer to a question
that's already gotten the answer you are about to give. But these notes
about the virus hoax keep coming in--although the first message after it
poured cold water on it and almost immediately George Athas apologized for
passing on the threat message. This is the kind of knee-jerk reaction that
occasionally turns B-Greek (and other lists as well) into a kind of
mechanical spam producing organization.

Wherefore: Ask not what B-Greek can do for you, but ask yourself, before
you push the "send" key: "Is this message that I am about to send B.S.
(Baloney Spam) or just plain Spam (S).

Carl W. Conrad
Co-Chair, B-Greek List
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243 OR

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