Re: new list

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed Jun 10 1998 - 17:09:06 EDT

At 4:09 PM -0400 6/10/98, <> wrote:
>Jonathan wrote:
>>Fortunately, the new server will screen out this kind of spam.
>>I suggest everyone just unsubscribe from the old server.
>I thought those on the old list were moved over to the new without anything
>else needed. Do I still need to unsubscribe the old, and if so do I then need
>to resubscribe to the new? I must have missed something somewhere, sorry.
>Bill Strasshofer
>Pastor - Stayton Christian assembly
>Cumberland Furnace, TN

In point of fact, I have purged the subscriber lists of both B-Greek and
B-Greek Digest at, leaving one subscriber in each,

        "Biblical Greek" <>

so that anything incoming there will be forwarded--but if I understand
rightly the way Jonathan has things set up, anything from non-members (and
spam from non-members) will not be distributed to the list unless or until
approved by one of the administrative staff.

So NO: don't resubscribe to the other address. You are now properly
subscribed where you belong as long as you want to be here.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243

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