From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Sun Jun 14 1998 - 10:01:59 EDT


I searched the recent archives and could not find an announcement of this so I
will post it. According to CBD they expect to have the third edition of BAGD
next month. These predictions can be off by a month or two or three but at
least it will probably be this year. CBD is offering a 5 cent discount so will
want to jump right on this offer for great savings.

The record from CBD web catalog follows:

Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament,
                                          3rd Edition

                       by Edited by Frederick Danker

                           University Of Chicago

 CBD Stock No:
 Retail price:
 CBD price:
                           Out of Stock (expected in

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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