Re: Marcan Leitmotifs

Date: Thu Jun 18 1998 - 16:23:15 EDT

Carl Conrad wrote:

>Edward, this is splendid! I didn't think that the recurrence could have
>escaped you, and your list of occurrences is very nice. It has occurred to
>me that, although it doesn't include the words ESQI-/FAG or ARTOS, perhaps
>this catalog should include the mention of ZUMH in Mk 8:14: "the yeast of
>the Pharisees" and "the yeast of Herod," as part of the motif, especially
>as it leads into the dialogue about the two feedings and "having no
>loaves"--and the warning against the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast
>of Herod is another of those cryptic pieces in the Marcan narrative that
>probably point to something contemporary with the writer.

Every Leitmotif in Mark eventually connects with every other one, so the
list could almost be a concordance to Mark. Hence I deliberately left out
the references to ZUMH in 8:15 (bis), which should also be seen in relation
to the instances of AZUMOS in 14:1 and 14:12, and to the five instances
of PASCA being prepared, sacrificed, eaten in 14:1, 12 (bis), 14, 16.
The ARTOS eaten at that meal is of course AZUMOS.

I don't mean to be cryptic, but spelling all this out needs hundreds of
pages, and until my latest version of it is in print (two years away?),
I'll have to assume everyone will draw conclusions on their own!

Edward Hobbs

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