From: Jack Kilmon (
Date: Mon Jun 22 1998 - 11:58:06 EDT

You cannot look at the LXX as a "standard" version with some form of
canonicity to its texts. There were variant texts for the OT writings
to either the translator or to a variant Hebrew text used by the
translator. The
Pentateuch was probably the first in attention in the 3rd century BCE
and the
Prophets and Writings came later over years. The LXX is not a Christian

product but it was utilized and preserved by Christians.
    For Christians, the NT became a "part 2" of the LXX and obviously,
were numerous variant texts which is the "stuff" of Textual Criticism.


Mr. Lemuel G. Abarte wrote:

> I understand that the LXX had revisions until the time of the early
> Church Fathers and they modified the translation?
> But I don't seem to be aware that there are any researches made
> concerning these processes.
> ----
> From: Jack Kilmon <>
> To: Biblical Greek <>
> Date: Saturday, June 20, 1998 9:25 PM
> Subject: Re: LXX
> Kevin Messerschmidt wrote:
> > Does anyone here doubt the authenticity of the LXX, i.e. is it
> generally
> > accepted to be pre-NT, or is it as some claim 3rd century post-NT or
> > beyond?
> The NT began its development from autographs and sources
> beginningin the 40's CE and
> throughout the first century with editing and redactions
> that continued into the third century. The NT works were
> compositional
> Greek that imbed some translational Greek from Aramaic and/or Hebrew
> source material.
> The LXX began its development in the 3rd century BCE as a Greek
> translation of the Hebrew OT. It is, therefore, "pre-NT."
> The LXX is *Old Testament* but was the OT most preferred by
> Christians after the 1st century since most Christians were gentiles
> and spoke Greek. When the NT writings were collected and
> collated at about the same time when the codex became popular
> among Christians, they were appended to the LXX of the OT
> and the "Old" and "New" Testament labels came into use. The
> 4th century Codex Alexandrinus is an example.
> The answer to your question, therefore, is the LXX is an
> 'authentic" translation of the Hebrew scriptures that predates
> the NT.
> Jack
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