Re: John 11:35

From: Steve Long (
Date: Thu Jun 18 1998 - 07:53:24 EDT

>Having Jesus weep for Lazarus makes no sense to me whatsoever... I
>really see him weeping for the fact that those who are most intimately
>involved with him are not 'getting it'. The implications for Israel
>are clear, but I do not believe Jesus weeps for Israel either, because
>He knows what will happen on that issue... He weeps for Mary and
>Martha... And perhaps for their 'ministry' at Bethany...
>This passage also seems to render well with reading it as
>'compassionate weeping', or empathic weeping, which is easily
>misunderstood as well by others as to its object, as did the Jews in
>the following verse, who understood it as the weeping of a guilty
>person at the consequence of His laxity... Which is utterly not the
>George Blaisdell

Emotions are funny things, did anybody cry at Titanic? (I cried at the
original movie with Clifton Webb, when they sang 'Nearer my God to thee').
You can tell yourself it's just a movie, you know how it ends, they're just
actors, and your eyes still end up leaking. Jesus was a man with the same
emotional triggers as the rest of us. I love this passage because it so
clearly shows his human nature, whether he was weeping for them or with
them, his emotions were deep and human.


Steve Long
Allegro Graphics, Inc., Allegro Digital Media, Inc.
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