Re: Does the NT contain evident that Jesus was worshipped?

From: Edgar Foster (
Date: Wed Jun 24 1998 - 10:19:10 EDT

---Rolf Furuli <> wrote:

> Edgar Foster wrote:

> >(1.) The Hebrew equivalent of PROSKEUNEW is >>SHACHAH. SHACHAH is
> >utilized to describe the acts of prostration, >>obeisance, humble
> >imploration, and worship. But note, SHACHAH does >>NOT primarily mean
> >"worship." Foremost, SHACHAH is used in the OT to >>delineate
> >brother's bowing down to him (Gen. 37:5, 9, 10). >>Ruth also
performs an
> >act of SHACHAH toward Boaz, as does David before >>Saul (Ruth 2:10; 1
> >Sam. 24:8). Kings and princes are also 'bowed down >>to'; but
> >also demonstrated toward God (Gen. 22:5; 1 Sam. >>1:3). A very
> >significant point vis-a'-vis SHACHAH is that it >>could also be
> >performed WITHOUT bowing the body (Gen. 47:31; 1 >>Kings 1:47).
Based on
> >these thoughts and other considerations (note the >>Akkadian cognate
> >term), I would say that the Greek equivalent >>PROSKENEW does not (in
> >the first sense) denote worship.

> Dear Edgar,
> Your analysis of PROSKEUNEW was very fine, but I >have one remark
> the Hebrew equivalent, where your presentation of >the form
evidently buildt
> on older sources. The Hebrew equivalent of PROSKEUNEW is HAWA (het,
> he) and it occurs in the unusual Eshtaphal stem(see >C.L. Seow,
1987 "A
> Grammar for Biblical Hebrew", p 230 and R.L.Harris >et al.,1980,
> "Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament Vol I, >entry 619). Your
> description of the meaning of "SHACHAH" (= HAWA) >was however

> Regards

> Rolf

> Rolf Furuli
> Lecturer in Semitic languages
> University of Oslo

Dear Rolf,

Thanks for the correction. I am a bit puzzled, however, and am right
now away from my library. Hebrew is not my main area of interest or
expertise, but I've studied enough to understand certain semantical
connections with Greek, etc. The works I am using though, are
relatively later works. I think my sources are dated in the 90s. So, I
would appreciate any further clarification you might have on the
matter. I will also go back and examine the text.


Edgar Foster

Classics Major

Lenoir-Rhyne College

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