Migration of B-Hebrew to SUNSITE

From: Jonathan Robie (jonathan@texcel.no)
Date: Fri Jun 26 1998 - 21:06:04 EDT

Announcement to all B-Hebrew Participants:

David John Marotta, who started B-Hebrew back in 1992, is no longer able to
continue as list owner, and will be passing the torch to Jonathan Robie. A
list owner runs the software that distributes the messages for a mailing
list, and performs various software administration functions. The list
server will now be located at SunSITE, which is the current location of the
web site. Within a few days, we will start removing names from the list
server at the University of Virginia.

I have set up the B-Hebrew list on SunSITE using Lyris as the list server
software. This is the first message on the list - if you receive it, then
something is going right. You can access these messages via the web. Go to
http://franklin.oit.unc.edu and choose "sunsite hosted" and "biblical".
Full text search is available through this interface.

You can also access them via a newsreader at

People can subscribe either through the web interface or by sending email
to b-hebrew-join@franklin.oit.unc.

We are currently experimenting with the software to try to ensure a smooth
transition. The subscriber lists of both B-Hebrew and B-Hebrew-Digest will be
transferred without loss or interruption to the new site, and the existing
staff will continue to serve the list for the time being. The main change
you should see is that the email address used to post to the list will

We earnestly hope that any and every change that comes with the migration
to the new site will be change for the better. Nevertheless, there can be
no regrets whatsoever regarding the long and fruitful management of David
John Marotta. We shall continue to be in his debt, and we hope that he will
continue to lurk or participate as actively as he chooses as a subscriber
at the new site.


b-greek home page: http://sunsite.unc.edu/bgreek
To post a message to the list, mailto:b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu
To subscribe, mailto:subscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu
To unsubscribe, mailto:unsubscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu?subject=[cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu]

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