Re: Josephus Antiquities 3.1.173

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Tue Jun 30 1998 - 08:24:42 EDT

At 07:17 PM 6/30/98 +0800, you wrote:
> I guess my question was really about how trustworthy the
> textus receptus of Josephus is? In the example I chose,
> (which was suggested by how very *unlike* Enoch it is)
> Josephus follows the tradition of LXX Alexandrinus over
> Vaticanus, but does that prove anything? ..that the
> manuscripts used by Niese have followed the same
> transmission process as Alexandrinus??

Ask Ben Wright over on Ioudaios. He knows all this stuff. Its possible
that Josephus and Genesis have been harmonized in the transmission process.

> I'll confess that the only thing I know about the texts
> of Josephus concerns the Testimonium Flavianum - let us
> say it is interpolation rather than outright forgery -
> but either way it doesn't encourage belief that the text
> hasn't suffered from Christian transmission.
> Does Niese have a critical apparatus?? If not who does?
> Anyone know anything about the Josephus MSS?

Ben does. Or ask Torrey Seland, also on Ioudaios. In fact, Ioudaios was
started as a Josephus research spot...
If you want to subscribe, let me know and I will pass along the address.

> Cheers
> Steven



Jim West, ThD
Pastor, Petros Baptist Church
Adjunct Professor of Bible,
Quartz Hill School of Theology

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