Harmony of the Gospels Revisited

From: Theodore H. Mann (thmann@juno.com)
Date: Sat Jul 04 1998 - 17:10:19 EDT

To return briefly to the "Harmonization of the Gospels" thread:
I ran across what I thought was an especially interesting one recently.
I don't think anyone mentioned it in the various postings.

    A Harmony of the Four Gospels
    Second Edition
    Orville E. Daniel
    Baker Books, Grand Rapids

All four gospels are listed vertically, so the entire text (I think) of
each document is available. However, so as to provide a single,
completely integrated narrative, various portions are highlighted. The
reader bounces back and forth from one gospel to the next, following the
highlighted material, and thus reads an entirely chronologically
inclusive presentation of the text. Fairly clever, I think. The only
problem is: The difference between the highlighted and normal type is so
slight that it is sometimes difficult to distingish the two.

Best in Christ,

Theodore "Ted" H. Mann
Orchard Lake, Michigan

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