Wisdom of Sirach

From: Peter Phillips (p.m.phillips@champness.shef.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Jul 01 1998 - 07:20:13 EDT

In Sirach 1:10 does META PASHS SARKOS mean "among all living things" or
"upon all living things". The latter is given in the NRSV translation but
seems to go beyond the normal meanings of META. I have another translation
printed by S. Bagston & Sons which suggests a period after ERGA AUTOU and
then "She is with all flesh". I don't think this is justifiable. Does the
phrase imply Wisdom among the people rather than in/upon the people? This
seems to fit Prov 8/John 1/Philo et al. a little better than "upon"?

Pete Phillips,
NT Tutor,
Cliff College, Sheffield, UK

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