God's Wrath

From: Trevor Forrester (alison@ozemail.com.au)
Date: Mon Jul 06 1998 - 01:20:42 EDT

I recently posted a query to the list about CH Dodds claim that God is never
used by Paul as the subject of the verb 'to be angry'. Alas I received no
reponse from the list members at all. So I must assume one of several
things, either nobody knows anything about this(which I doubt) or nobody is
interested in helping a struggling greek student find and answer to a
question that has serious theological ramifications.

Hence my query again, is there any evidence, manuscript or other wise to
support Dodd's claim that "GAR ORGE QEOU" as found in Romans 1:18 Colossians
3:6 and Ephesians 5:6, does not mean God's anger or wrath. 'QEOU' is
acording to Moulton is in the genetive which denotes ownership. This is the
case in all three examples thus my quandary.

Trevor Forrester
Forrest Ministries alison@ozemail.com.au
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