Re: follow up

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Thu Jul 02 1998 - 13:28:03 EDT

At 01:06 PM 7/2/98 -0400, you wrote:

>Right, I understand that; my question was would "inner room" ever be used
>as a euphemism for a privy? I.e. (and this is genuine question) were
>privies ever _inner_ rooms in, as it were, sitz in leben? And as such
>would the intended audience have ever made the necessary connection?

Yes it is- I am thinking in particular of the story in Judges where Ehud
goes into the toilet to stab Eglon! In Hebrew, the text is quite clear that
Eglon is sitting on the toilet- Ehud comes in, Eglon stands up (in a quite
compromising way!!) and he is gutted!

That the Qumranites went out and dug little holes with their little shovels,
and that they make so much of it, means others did not act that way. If the
story in Judges is any indication, the toilet was in the inner room and a
chamber pot was most likely used to dispense with the waste.




Jim West, ThD
Pastor, Petros Baptist Church
Adjunct Professor of Bible,
Quartz Hill School of Theology

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