Re: follow up

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Thu Jul 02 1998 - 14:19:53 EDT

At 01:33 PM 7/2/98 -0400, Jim West wrote:
>>Hmmmm what methodology is used to determine that?
>A whole string of historical-critical criterion that are best left aside
>here (as the discussion of same generally evokes hostile reaction).

In that case, it's pretty clear that it is outside the scope of this list,
since even trying to discuss the question forces us into a discussion of
historical-critical criteria, and we've repeatedly said we don't want to
discuss that here. You might want to try one of the textual criticism lists.

Note: I want to be careful to separate my own views from list policy. Both
of the Chairs of B-Greek, I believe, are thoroughly schooled in
historical-critical method, and find it meaningful. Personally, I just
don't see how we can really claim to know some of the things that
historical-critical method says it can answer. I don't really know the
opinions of the rest of the staff on this question. But these are just
individual opinions, and they are all over the map.

I'm not squashing this discussion because of my skepticism of historical
criticism, but because experience has shown that discussing it here rapidly
leads to flames, and relatively few people here have the intricate
expertise needed to discuss historical criticism meaningfully anyway.


Jonathan Robie

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