Re: follow up

From: Jack Kilmon (
Date: Thu Jul 02 1998 - 19:50:27 EDT

If the enclosed room is inside the dwelling, Adam might have a
point, Jimmer. The "privy" would not be inside...even if there was
plumbing...for matters of purity.


Adam, Professor AKM wrote:

> Colleagues,
> Noting that the is supposed to be a discussion of Greek, I would simply
> add that LSJG shows no basis for regarding TAMEION as "privy" (the
> closest they give is "closet," but I see no implication here other than
> a small closed room).
> Having said that, it's hard to imagine having space enough in a
> first-century dwelling-place to dedicate some of your precious square
> feet to excretion. I know little about Palestinian or Greco-Roman
> archaeology, but I know that space was at a premium.
> Grace and peace,
> A K M Adam
> Princeton Theological Seminary
> "He didn't have any use for history because he never expected to meet it
> again."
> Flannery O'Connor, "A Late Encounter with the Enemy"
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