Re: 1 Peter 2:2/Pure Milk of the Word

From: Ron Rhoades (
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 17:53:17 EDT

Theodore H. Mann wrote:
> Some translations include the phrase "... of the word" in this verse in
> reference to the pure, spiritual milk. Other translations leave it out.
> Is there any justification, other than exegetical, or explanational, for including it?

Hello Ted,

At first I thought this would be a textual variant. (I see Jonathan's
post ran similarly). But the problem is with the adjective LOGIKON. When
reading this verse I always had assumed it meant strictly the Written
Word. But I have to expand my thinking a little now. Hey that's why I
like b-Greek!

There are several reasons many translators render it as simply "word."
First of course is the tie to LOGOS as reason/speech/word. Another
reason is because of the agreement they see with the GEGENNHMENOI
through LOGOU ZWNTOS QEOU in 1:23, TO RHMA KURIOU in 1:25 and the
contrast with those disobedient to TW LOGW in 2:8.

Some stress the reasonable/rational idea. Rotherham: "the pure milk that
is for the mind." B. Wilson: "the pure rational milk." Fenton: "the
rational, unadulterated milk."

Thayer's Lexicon says "(from LOGOS reason)...agreeable to reason,
following reason, reasonable: LATREIA LOGIKH, the worship which is
rendered by the reason or soul, ['spiritual'], Ro. 12:1...; TO LOGIKON
YALA, the milk which nourishes the soul, 1 Pet. 2:2.

Perhaps this is an example of "purposeful ambiguity" that should be
translated to include all possibilities. Personally for 1Pet. I like the
RSV rendering "spiritual" milk, which would include the Written Word but
also all true reasoning/teaching. For Rom. I like the idea of "Worship
according to correct reasoning."

Ron Rhoades
Nevada City, CA

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