Re: Synonyms meaning deceive

From: Paul R. Zellmer (
Date: Sat Jul 11 1998 - 09:12:12 EDT

Carl W. Conrad wrote:
> At 3:54 PM +0800 7/11/98, Paul R. Zellmer wrote:
> >A quick search using Strong's numbers came up with three basic synonyms
> >for the concept "to deceive": APATAW, PLANAW, and PARALOGEW. I probably
> >have overlooked some comparison of these terms in my tools, so forgive me
> >if I ask something I should be able to find out on my own. What, if
> >anything, is the distinction between these words? The first two, in
> >particular, appear to be exactly the same.
> Paul, can you possibly be without Louw & Nida in the sort of work you're
> doing? Here's what I find quickly through Accordance:
Hey, we had a box of books get lost in our shipments, and I haven't had
the opportunity to replace them yet! And I got lazy. I had LOGOS open,
and KJV-Strong's is the easiest way to search for the translation of
Greek words in that tool.

Anyway, you answered all except the real focus of my question. (All
right, I didn't spell it out this way!) My national translator is
suggesting translating both APATAW and PLANAW the same way. They never
occur together in the same passage, but I wanted to make sure that we
weren't missing a distinction here that I haven't been able to see in
the lexicons I do have a hand.

Thanks for the help.


Paul and Dee Zellmer, Jimmy Guingab, Geoffrey Beltran
Ibanag Translation Project
Cabagan, Philippines

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