Re: eis + accusative

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Sat Jul 18 1998 - 19:06:41 EDT

At 9:43 AM -0700 7/18/98, Edgar Foster wrote:
>Brooks and Winbery do refer to the accusative of result on p. 55 of NT
>Syntax (1979). Two examples given are Rom. 5:18; Phil. 1:9, 10.

Well, Carlton will no doubt be able to offer an account of this
entitlement. It appears to me to be another instance of the application of
that old motto of Koine grammarians: ENTIA MULTIPLICANDA PRAETER
NECESSITATEM. I've never thought it was really necessary to understand EIS
+ accusative in categories beyond the literal spatial or temporal limit and
the metaphorical extensions of spatial limit. I guess "result" could be
considered one of those metaphorical extensions, but I don't see why it
needs a distinct category. My apologies to those who rely upon those
grammars and find those categorizations useful.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243

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