Re: eis + accusative: FOLLOW-UP

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Mon Jul 20 1998 - 08:36:10 EDT

I promise that I shall not post any further notes hereafter on this topic;
I just want to augment one of the items Edward wrote below:

At 4:58 PM -0400 7/19/98, Edward Hobbs wrote:
>I share with Carl Conrad a weariness with and suspicion of the
>multiplication of categories by many of those writing grammars of
>the Greek in the NT (Carl calls them "Koine grammarians"!), and I
>almost believe his suggestion that many use the anti-Ockham motto,
>On "accusative of result," however, even standard classical grammars use
>the category. Smyth-Messing gives "Accusative of Result" as a major
>heading (p. 357), devoting sections 1578 and 1579 to it.

The instances cited in these two little paragraphs ##1578-9 are all
subcategories of what Smyth/Messing introduce on p. 355 as "INTERNAL OBJECT
(OBJECT EFFECTED), and they are all used directly with the verb, none of
them with a preposition, whether EIS or any other.

>On EIS with the accusative (p. 376), S-M lists four usages:
>a. Local;
>b. Temporal;
>c. Measure and Limit with numerals;
>d. Other relations: Goal, Purpose, Intention; Relation to; Manner.
> [NB: Purpose, but not Result]
Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243

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