Re: Mt 7:6

From: Jack Kilmon (
Date: Mon Jul 20 1998 - 23:05:00 EDT

Jim West wrote:
> This well known aphorism has an interesting parallel structure- according to
> some:
> a- do not give what is holy to the puppies
> b-neither cast pearls to swine
> b'- lest they trample them underfoot
> a'- and turning, bite you
> Now, again, according to some commentators, the structure of the saying
> indicates that it is the puppies who turn and bite you, while it is the pigs
> who trample pearls underfoot.

The Aramaic is:

l) ttlown qowd$) lklb)
vl) trmwn mrgnytkwn qdm xzyr)
dlm) ndw$wn )nyn brgnytkown
wnhpkwn nbz(wnkown

Do not give holy things to the dogs
and do not throw your pearls before swine,
for they might tread them with their feet,
and then turn and rend (slash) you.

It is the pigs that are turning and slashing you after they trample the

Don't speak words of wisdom to fools who will use it against you.

Notice the meter and rhyme.



Min d'LA rokHEM l'maRAN yeSHUa meshyCHA niheYAH. maRAN aTHA

Jack Kilmon

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