Re: Mt 7:6

Date: Thu Jul 23 1998 - 12:20:56 EDT

Steven Cox wrote:

> Given that it seems so universal I am very strongly
> inclined to think that pigs tread in the mud and
> dogs rend. But what is the default position? All things
> being equal should one read AB-BA or AB-AB?


The Greek default would seem to be, imvho, A:B::B:A, which would give
the swine the trampling, and the dogs the biting, yet the Aramic seems
to contradict this reading, as Jack points out: "It is the pigs that
are turning and slashing you after they trample the pearls."

Perhaps the Greek reads it one way, the Aramaic the other, and we
should not try to take a grammar lesson in Greek from our reading of
the Aramaic.

Or should we??

How solid is our understanding of the Aramaic?


Lisa Messmer..................ICQ# 5666415
George Blaisdell

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