Re: Taped NT

From: Richard Lindeman (
Date: Thu Jul 16 1998 - 22:22:39 EDT

Joseph A. Weaks wrote:
> If I could have 9 months, I might volunteer for Revelations. (The "s" is a
> joke.) If not, I call Philippians. :)
> Peace,
> Joe

Sounds good to me. I will put Joseph down for Revelations with a target
completion date of mid April 1999. I will also attempt to maintain a
listing of who is working on what. I haven't decided yet which book I
will work on. Maybe one of Paul's epistles.

Here are some more suggestions:

1. We should probably try to work from Jonathans pronunciation chart of
Erasmianic Greek at
   But not necessarily rigidly so. I suspect that some of us have
developed reading styles and flaws that may be difficult to unlearn.
2. In his/her best Greek the reader will attempt a fluent and
intelligent reading of the text (not necessarily dramatic, but
that's OK too)
3. Anyone can work on any segment of NT text that is at least one single
chapter in length. (This might encourage some to read who
might be unable to work with longer units.)
4. Each potential reader should inform me by private email of their
intent to read a given section and a target date for its completion.
>From time to time I will post a listing to the B-Greek forum of who
is working on what. My new email address is:
5. There will be no critique given of the readings or quality checks by
an editor. The quality of the reading is totally the responsibility
of the reader of any given section. However...
6. Multiple readings of a given text will be allowed. Say for example
that I do a reading of Ephesians and end up doing a poor job of
it. At a later date I might decide to resubmit a better reading of
Ephesians. Another member of B-Greek could also submit a reading
of Ephesians. Quality of readings would be improved by multiplicity
and not by substitution. We would keep all readings available online
unless it was requested by the specific reader.
7. Although in time multiple readings of a given book would be allowed,
our first goal should be to cover the entire New Testament.
8. Jonathan... would you be willing to be our technical advisor? Perhaps
advise us of how to go about doing a proper recording and what file
formats to use... perhaps you may also be aware of a shareware program
that could be used for the recordings.

Sorry if I sound like a self appointed manager here. If anyone else
wants to coordinate this you are certainly welcome to it. I am also
pretty flexible if anyone has different suggestions than those above.

Rich Lindeman

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