absolute beginner question re: infinitives and dictionary

From: Tom Conry (tomconry@mediaone.net)
Date: Thu Jul 23 1998 - 11:15:26 EDT

First of all, I want to thank everyone for all their help. I'm at the
beginning of this process and so can only understand perhaps
ten percent of the conversation, but that conversation is
genuinely useful. I'm looking forward to understanding more.

My question goes to using the dictionary - or more precisely,
the _Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other
early Christian literature_ which is an adaptation of Walter
Bauer's work by Arndt and Gingrich. Our class is in the trenches,
parsing verbs and writing out forms. I would like to be able to
look up the infinitive forms of BALLW and KELEUW. So, I
go to the big book, and I find a discussion of the uses of
BALLW for example, and a few of its forms listed in the first
paragraph, but - at least to my eye - no infinitives. Is there
anywhere where I can go to check my verb forms? It doesn't
seem useful to me to memorize my mistakes! (Or maybe it
is, but it would also be useful to memorize the correct forms
and see where I have gone off the tracks.) Thanks for any
help you can give.

Tom Conry

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