Re: Matt. 12:32

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Thu Jul 23 1998 - 10:59:55 EDT

At 08:53 AM 7/21/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear B-Greekers,
>I have been working with the concepts of surface structure and deep
>structure as of late, and I'm trying an experiment on Matt. 12:32. The
>text reads as follows:

Please, pardon the question, but what exactly is "deep structure"? Is this
some new literary methodology? If so, what is the source? I have not heard
of it (though I do my best to keep up with developments in Biblical Studies).

What is the purpose of such a reading? What are the procedures used to
employ the method?

What are the goals of this method? What can it show? What does it fail to



Jim West, ThD

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