Intermediate Greek Text

From: Darrell Jachim-Moore (
Date: Fri Jul 24 1998 - 09:22:40 EDT


I have used Stanley Porter's 'Idioms of the Greek New Testament' and found
it greatly beneficial. It is fairly comprehensive and with a solid index by
NT passage it is easy to assess grammatical/syntactical issues in the text.
 I, too, will be interested in what the other b-greekers have to say. Just
my two cents.


>I was wondering what a good intermediate Greek grammar text might be? I am
>just finishing up my first Greek class at Seminary, it was a 12 qtr hour
>crash for us second career guys. The class used Voelz and I used Wenham as
>a backup text. It is the only grammar class I'll be taking the rest of the
>classes using Greek are either Hermeneutics or Exegetical classes.
>So I'd like to get a book that I can use on my own to get beyond the basics.
>I was thinking "Greek Grammar of the New Testament" by Blass and DeBrunner
>translated by Funk
>or "Syntax of New Testament Greek: A Second Year intermediate Grammar." by
>Brooks and Winbery.
>Thanks in Advance.
>Bob Bower
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