Re: Making of Canon

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Tue Aug 11 1998 - 01:58:43 EDT

Joseph A. Weaks wrote:
> List-companions,
> I am wrapping up a Sunday School class where we have surveyed the New
> Testament, with emphasis on literary and historical source issues in
> different NT books. This is off topic, but our last session will be on how
> these books made it, what are some that didn't--basically, canonicity. I
> have not found a resource I am completely please with, though I do like the
> final chapter in Barr's _New Testament Story_.
> Do any of you prof-types have a lecture on canon issues you could email me?
> I would especially love early church canon lists. Being a pastor in rural
> West Texas cuts me off from a good library. There a good web resource,
> perhaps? Please send offlist by:
> .
> Thanks for this indulgence,
> Joe

In addition to the works by Metzget, von Campenhausen, et al., one
should also consult the artile on "Canonicity" in the _Jerome Biblical
Commentary_ and the very readable _Why is there a New Testament?_ by
Joseph F. Kelly (Geoffrey Chapman/Michael Glazier, 1986). As to on line
sites, do a browser search for "canon". This will turn up more than you
need, not all of it good.


Jeffrey Gibson

Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626

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