Romans 8:28

From: Steve Long (
Date: Wed Aug 12 1998 - 07:37:54 EDT

Dear B-Greekers,

Usually when I go to church I take my copy of Hodges and Farstad's
Byzantine Greek New Testament because the font is easier to read than my
Nestle-Aland. But recently I brought N-A with me because we were late and I
couldn't find H&F. Our pastor was teaching on Romans 8:28 and I noticed the
discrepancy in the two texts (this is one of his favorite verses). Anyway,
the text reads PANTA SYNERGIE EIS AGAQON in H&F, but N-A reads PANTA
SYNERGIE {hO QEOS} EIS AGAQON. My question is how does hO QEOS fit in the
sentence? The NASB translates it "God causes all things to work together
for good", but where does "causes" come from? Where is the verb for hO QEOS?

Thanks in advance,


                           Steve Long, president
    Allegro Graphics, Inc. Allegro Digital Media, Inc.
Adobe Authorized Service Provider Filemaker Pro & Lasso Web Hosting

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