From: (
Date: Sun Aug 23 1998 - 20:03:18 EDT

>I like your comments here and agree for the most part. I guess the
>only difference is that I view Luke's words as indicative of forensic
>evidence, and capable of being expressed by human witnesses. The Risen
>Christ is a historical reality, and I see no need to make the
>experience more than irrefutable (possibly even outside of
>temporality). Conversely, it is true that human words can hardly
>express the "intense" ANASTASIS of Jesus Christ. In the end, I would
>probably still render Acts 1:3 as "irrefutable" or "indubitable"

>In this regard, I think the following comments are worthy of
>"Infallible Proofs--This is one word in Greek, TEKMHRIOIS--a strong
>term (only here in the NT). JR Lumby says, "A TEKMHRION is such an
>evidence as to remove all doubt" (Word Meanings of The NT, R. Earle 97).
>In the final analysis, Earle cites "convincing proofs" (NASB) as a
>suitable rendering of TEKMHRION. This too could be acceptable, I
>guess, as long as the reader understands the "intensity" behind the
>original Greek. The sense I am arguing for, is the sense staed by
>Lumby. Let me ask you, Brian, how would you render Acts 1:3?

Good question, ahem! In situations like this, I generally use an asterik to
indicate "for lack of a better term"-how's that for a dodge. I agree with
M-M, and evidently Lumby as well to choose the term "infallible". Yes such
incidents of Scripture are conveyed through historical proof and this
requires human language. I'm certainly telling you nothing new when I say
that spiritual gifts and the Holy Spirit must always. In short the value of
a translation is its exegesis to a congregation.

If you would like to examine something extremely peculiar which I find to be
an historico-Biblical commentary
on the nature of translation, read Rom 3.10-18, a Pauline quote of the LXX
(Ps 4?) And then compare the LXX to the Hebrew text, just for giggles.
Either Paul didn't have a Hebrew text to compare, or he didn't do his
BTW, that was one quick response. May I ask where you are on online?

Brian L.

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