From: Ben Crick (
Date: Mon Aug 24 1998 - 23:19:49 EDT

On Mon 24 Aug 98 (13:22:22), wrote:
> The last half of Acts 13:48 admits several readings. EIS ZWHN AIWNION
> can be joined with TETAGMENOI or with EPISTEUSAN. I have not looked
> into English translations but I suspect from reading H. A. W. Meyer's
> comments that the word order leads most commentators to join EIS ZWHN
> [snipped]

 It seems to me that TASSW here is a military word; compare its use in Luke
 7:8 where the centurion is a man "marshalled under authority"; and in
 Romans 13:1 the "powers that be" are marshalled under the divine authority,
 the idea being reinforced there by the prefix hUPO with TASSW.

 So therefore IMHO it is those who believed who were "marshalled" on the
 side of eternal life; and the "marshal" is almighty God. This is not to
 press some doctrine of predestination; it is those who believe who respond
 and who line up on the side of eternal life. Indeed verse 46 excludes the
 idea of predestination. Many Gentiles believed EPISTEUSAN the words of Paul
 and Barnabas, and they were enlisted TETAGMENOI for eternal life EIS ZWHN

 Or am I overlooking something?

 Revd Ben Crick, BA CF
 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK)

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