QV5 will have access to Greek NT

From: David Housholder (deh@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Fri Aug 28 1998 - 15:58:11 EDT

Here are a couple of places to get information on the soon to be
released QuickVerse 5.

Craig Rairdin (the develper of QuickVerse) has information on his
personal Web site at http://www.craigr.com/QV5.htm (note the "QV"
is case sensitive) about QuickVerse 5. QV5 will allow us to have a
full Greek NT with QuickVerse. It will have the Fribergs' tags.
There are some screen shots; it looks good. It was to be released
by now, but has been delayed because their major programmer had to
be out for a few weeks after surgery.

Also, go to http://www.ccmag.com. Click on the "listen to CCMag"
button then find the button for Wednesday's "radio" program. They
had Craig Rairdin on the show and interviewed him about QV5. You
will need RealPlayer to listen to the program.

David Housholder
Marietta, Georgia

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